Chinese Lady - Pegaso Models.

Este el primero de los trabajos que he realizado para la marca Italiana de miniaturas Pegaso Models. Lo pinté para el boxart y la escala aproximada es 1/9. El escultor es también Andrea Jula y salió a la venta en Febrero de 2006, hace ahora dos años. Está pintado con acrílicos y técnica mixta de aerógrafo y pincel.

Pinchando en el título de la entrada, podréis ver este busto en la web de Pegaso.

Haciéndo click en las siguientes fotos, podréis verlas ampliadas.


3 comentarios

  1. Genial,me encanta tus trabajos ,
    seguire tu blog

  2. Hi,

    I'll be typing in English for I do not speak Spanish at all.
    Thanks for this post, those are awesome pictures.

    It seems to me that you published a step-by-step tutorial for this bust (I remember "work in progress" pictures with you logo/signature on them). Does this document actually exist (I may have dreamed of it ;-) ) and is it accessible somewhere. I am about to paint this bust from Pegaso, it's a wonderful object and I'd like to paint it as well as possible (any help/information that I could get on the web is welcome).


  3. Hi,

    I'll be typing in English for I do not speak Spanish at all.
    Thanks for this post, those are awesome pictures !

    It seems to me that you published a step-by-step tutorial about painting this bust (if I remember well, your logo/signature was on the pictures). Did I dreamed of it or does it actually exist ? If it exists, would it be possible to provide me with an URL where I could get it ? Thanks in advance for your time and help.



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